SmartSync is a technology developed by Prempoint to allow you to manage a lock’s smart keys without having to be in front of the lock. It works by using a lock you keep in the office dedicated as the Smart Key Reader.
To remotely add a smart key, you will use the Prempoint mobile app and the dedicated Smart Key Reader to scan the smart key. The smart key will then be added to Prempoint’s cloud in a “pending add” state for the target lock. The next time someone activates that target lock with the Prempoint mobile app, the pending smart key will be synchronized onto it.
To remotely remove a smart key, you simply delete it using either the Prempoint mobile app or the Prempoint web console. The smart key will then be put into a “pending delete” state and next time someone activates the target lock with the Prempoint mobile app, it will be synchronized off it.
Pending smart keys can also be canceled. If you cancel a “pending add” smart key, it will not be synchronized onto the lock. If you cancel a “pending delete” smart key, it will not be synchronized off the lock.
Please read the Getting Started with SmartSync guide for more information.