If you've identified a defective lock and have received the replacement lock, the below steps will help you get the new lock configured and in Prempoint. It is recommended to perform these steps before installing the new lock on the door so that the lock is ready to go when you do install it on the door.
- Using the Prempoint Web Console or the Prempoint Mobile Application, rename the defective lock to add " - Old" to the end of the name. This makes it easier to differentiate the old lock from the new lock.
- Log in to the Allegion Engage app, click on your Site, find the defective lock by name, and delete it from the Site.
- Commission the new lock using the original name of the old lock.
- Add the new lock to Prempoint and assign it to the appropriate unit. Instructions for this are found in step 6 here: Initial setup of the Prempoint software.
- Once you have the lock added to Prempoint AND assigned to the appropriate unit, the Prempoint system will begin copying over any smartkeys you had on the old lock onto the new lock. After a few minutes, check the smartkeys on the new lock to ensure they were all copied over. If you are doing this from the Prempoint Web Console, you may need to refresh the page.
- If any smartkeys were copied above, they will be in Pending Add status, which means they will not work on the lock until they've been SmartSync'd. Instructions for SmartSync'ing can be found here: How do I perform a full SmartSync?
At this point you're done and should be able to start using the new lock like normal.